The Out Basket


In which all may be revealed

The costumes, starting with the cutest:

Spiderman. Evan decides months in advance what he wants to be for Halloween, and what theme he wants for his birthdays. He is not to be dissuaded. Spiderman was last birthday, and at the same time, the decision for this Halloween. I believe he has already settled on Dinosaurs for next birthday.

Me as NightShade, a "bad fairy". More of a concept than a character, NightShade is the creepy side of nature - bats, spiders, mice, ravens, black roses. You know those things that go "bump" in the night? NightShade is one of those things..... She's the unseen side, the sexy, the mysterious. NightShade has given me a chance to reconnect with the darker side of my personality; the concept of chaos and the creativity of both costume and concept have been very satisfying.

NightShade with a pet.

Chris' Neo-Classical Vampire. He scared a few kids who came to the door.

Two creatures of the night.

The other Halloween Celebrants:

Mabbina as Shreck.

Guillaume and Arwen as Wizards in dress robes, from the Harry Potter Universe.

More pictures are available at Flickr.

Chris and I went Trick-or-Treating with Evan and his Grandma. Mabbina, Arwen and Guillaume stayed at the house to hand out candy. The evening was cool and dry, and we saw quite a few kids going door to door. Nevertheless, I think Evan brought home as much loot as we handed out.

We retired to the house for Halloween Supper, and spent the evening dining and conversing in the most civilized fashion. There was, of course, too much food, and although some went home with our guests, we will be eating leftovers for days.


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