The Out Basket


In which the roses arrive in time for June

Since I'm leaving for Kansas this morning, I arose early (not early enough) and began packing. A trip out to the car made me pause and grab the camera. This morning was the first morning when the roses were in bloom, and I had to get pictures.

There are several bushes in the front of the house. I am resistant to planting more, since water is such an issue in Denver. I'll keep the plants going that were here when we arrived. But I'd sure love a purple or a yellow; I've always loved Peace, too.

I'm especially fond of the red and cream bi-color above; another more open blossom appears below. This particular bush sports a completely red cane. It's pretty striking.

The coral and the apricot roses have more of an old-fashioned blossom shape, one that I'm not as fond of. But the delicacy of the blooms in the morning was inspiring nevertheless.

I'm fond of capturing a friend or two in the flower pictures. The red rose below has a tiny brown grasshopper or cricket in the petals.

This pink one is truly a gem. I don't care much for pink, but this rose is near perfection in color and shape.

Beautiful June days make it harder to leave Denver.....


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