The Out Basket


In which work on Midwinter and Estrella begins in earnest

I laid awake all night Thursday. It wasn't the headcold that was keeping me awake, nor was it cats, or jumpy legs, or anything else logical. I was planning Midwinter and Estrella.

I do this. I can't turn off my brain. I create an idea, and then review it repeatedly, fearing that I will forget it in the light of day. I can't motivate myself to actually get up and write it down; I figure that if I can just turn off the brain that I can get to sleep, and I'm, oh, so close, anyway. So, midnight passes, and then 2 am and then 3..... And I'm still thinking about how long of a 4x4 I can buy and if it'll fit on the minivan, and and if I should pay extra for Sunforger, and does it make sense to shoot it full of holes with the applique, and won't that leak, and if I purchase plain canvas can I afford enough for a good dining fly. You see my problem.

In an effort to get some of this out of my head, I'm going to try to put down on paper the thoughts from last night. But even more, I've retreated to the studio to try to clean up the Halloween exhuberance. The fabric stash has recently developed into two parts, the "good" fabrics, wools, linens, etc, and everything else. Unfortunately, "everything else" seems to wholly occupy the shelves allocated for fabric. Besides sweeping up and putting away, I intend to inventory the "good fabrics" so I have a better idea of what's needed before I hit and Fashion Fabrics Club for linen and wool.

Today I feel like I can make it through the day without a nap, so perhaps this afternoon will be productive.

First, decisions crafted in the middle of the night:

For Midwinter: Check fit of Robert's houpelland. May need to remove sleeves to shorten shoulder seam. Since I used Cynthia Virture's rotated point circle plan houppeland, I need to remember to take a smaller "bite" out for the shoulder seam next time. I hope this does not change the length. Make a surcote and headwear for myself, based upon the lady in blue in April from Tres riche heuers. I have a red tapestry picked out, but that would necessitate a gold kirtle, which would have to be made. Not that that's a bad thing; it would serve for Estrella. Or I could keep looking for a blue tapestry for the surcote, and do the necessary handwork on my red kirtle. Or make the gold kirtle anyway, and go in Caer Galen's colors. It all seems like a good plan, but I have just a month to put it together.

Estrella: [Estrella content moved to the Estrella 2006 Journal.]


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