The Out Basket


In which I find I'm running my ass off

I have lost 3 pounds this week, so I suppose it's OK, but.....

I've "worked out" every day since I've been home except Sunday. Saturday was the Farmer's Market and then I've walked Evan to school every day this week. He complains. He's so tired! I know I do pace a little too fast for him, and I'm trying to slow down, but really, he's got ten times my energy and less than 20% of my weight.

In addition, Chris and I (with Evan) hiked Deer Creek Canyon Park on Tuesday night. 2.7 miles, and half of it felt like straight up. We used to do that park frequently, and it didn't seem so bad. It's gonna take some more of those to get closer to "in shape".

I was really happy at 200 lbs. I don't know if I could have done any better at Deer Creek Canyon, but I felt better about myself. I felt younger, sexier, more "normal". I had better choices in clothing available in my size.

So, I'm eating normally and probably tripleing or quadrupling the number of steps I'm doing every day. My goal is to get back down to 200 by Halloween. That's 30 lbs in just over 90 days. It seems do-able and a healthy pace.

As long as I don't have to slow down.


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