The Out Basket


In which I have been provided with one more thing to worry about

I want to state for the record that I hate doctor's visits. No matter what I go in for, they seem to find some other reason to poke, prod, or run electricity through my body. I had to go today; I was almost out of my meds, and I knew that there was no chance at all that they'd renew the scrips without an office visit. And I leave for Alabama for a week on Sunday, so it's today or nothing.

Today, Heather - the P.A. - takes a listen to my heart. She says that it skips beats. She takes my pulse. She has her P. A. trainee listen to my heart. "Hear it?" He replies that yes, he hears it. She queries me. Diziness? "No." Can I feel it? "No." Nausia? "No." I can sometimes hear it at night when it's very quiet and my head's on the pillow. And of course on the way home, I did remember that I do sometimes get dizzy spells when I go from crouching to standing.

So, they decide to do an EKG. She shows it to me afterward. There it is, three beats and a half-beat pause, three beats and a half-beat pause. A nice waltz rhythm. The good news is that it's exactly the same as it was the last time I had an EKG two years ago. The bad news is that it needs to be evaluated. I'm supposed to have a call back from the doctor who is in the office today, if he feels like I need to see a cardiologist. So we'll see.

On the flip side, my uncontrolled weight-gain seems to have been checked at 210, and I'm generally feeling better - less fatigue, less depression. Now if I can just loose 50 more pounds; it'd be 40 if I hadn't gained back 10 of my initial weight-loss. *sigh*


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