The Out Basket


In which Chris and I go to a movie

Yes, we went to a movie! I know it seems pedestrian, but when you're parents of a 5-year-old, these things are rather more out of the ordinary than less.

We put Evan to bed, and left him (sleeping) with his grandma. We had already made arrangements for her to keep him for the evening if she had to work. However, the work actually needed her on Saturday, and so our "date" became the late show.

We saw "Pirates of the Caribbean". No it wasn't as good as the first. Yes, the critics are right. I mostly thought about how much I loved Jack Sparrow, and how much I missed him in this sequel. It's not to say that Johnny Depp wasn't in the movie; it's just that I'm not sure that he knew that he was supposed to be playing the same character as last time. Some of the dialogue was lost in the accents and the special effects, which meant that the plot details and twists - and the characters' motivations in many cases - weren't apparent. I did like the special effects, though. Davy Jones' effects were great; I found myself wanting to watch him more and more. Bootstrap Bill, Will Turner's father, was another special-effect stand-out. And Tia Dalma is a personal favorite.

But I really miss Jack.


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