The Out Basket


In which Christmas is finally over

For those readers living in the Denver area, or who have been keeping up on Denver weather this winter, you can probably understand how we got to mid-March without getting the Christmas lights from the front of the house taken down.

We're not alone.

The neighborhoods that have (and enforce) covenants in the Denver area are beside themselves. The rules are that holiday lights must removed by a certain date, usually January 31. This of course would have been impossible with our snowy January. Enforcing the deadline would have exposed the neighborhood associations to quite a few lawsuits as rule-abiding folks slipped off the snowy roofs that have characterized most of the weekends since Christmas. They pretty much gave up.

So here we are; March 10. Chris got up on the roof (Melanie being somewhat wimpy about heights),. Melanie rolled, rolled, and rolled up strings of lights. Evan picked up plastic clips for a penny-a-clip reward.

The house looks rather plain.


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