The Out Basket


In which the Summer of Harry Potter is almost upon us

If the reader will kindly direct one's attention to the right, a countdown to some very exciting dates will be apparent. This of course means that there will soon be a flurry of sewing and planning to be done.

It's bittersweet of course - the culmination of the saga is also the end, and HP fans will miss the reading, the parties, the anticipation. Perhaps the merchandising wizards will come up with something to maintain the buzz. I'm not hopeful, just cynical.

It's exciting, yes, but also a lot of work. It begins with cleaning up my studio. The winter has pretty much featured hiding away things on my worktables which more rightfully belong in cabinets. And there is much lint, dust, and etc. to clean up. Much of the fabric on the shelves needs laundering.

But not until next month.


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