The Out Basket


In which invitations for a Chez Bays tradition are sent

Posted today to Outlandish:

Holiday Greetings from Chez Bays!

As has become our tradition, stockings will be hung not just for relatives, but our extended family of friends who share the holidays with us. Each friend with a stocking is encouraged to contribute to the stockings of friends; gifting each other in little ways adds up to a *big* stocking by Christmas.

Indeed, our tradition is followed so enthusiastically that each year annexes are required to accomodate all the loot. The traditional (but not at all picturesque) solution has been plastic grocery bags incompletely concealed behind each stocking. This year however, Fortune has provided! Arwen and Rivka found extra-large stockings at the dollar store; the scuttlebutt is that they bought 10. :-)

So, here's the plan - Thursday night Arwen and companions will be joining us at Chez Bays after supper for the official stocking hanging. If you can join, by all means do so. I'll provide tea and cookies, but we'll be kicking folks out by 9:00, as it's a school night.

Everyone reading this is invited to "hang" with us, and endeavor to top last year's prosperity in the socks. If you have a stocking to provide, put your name on it and bring it by - if you're stocking-challenged, never fear - there are spares. Just let me know. I'll post the names of the "hang-ees" so we'll know for whom we're buying. So far, it's the usual gang, Arwen (Sheila), Guillaume (Keith), Rivka (Michelle), Robert (Chris), Eirene (Melanie), Evan, and Evan's Gramma Angie. New this year is Savina (Rebecca), William (Bill), Rachel, and Ben. Rivka, shall I add one for Jeff?

Who else?


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