The Out Basket


In which Melanie whines a little

It's cleaning day. The cleaning girls are supposed to be here this afternoon. It's a great service to have, and we really need it today. However, they can't clean around clutter. They'll clean the bathrooms and the kitchen, sweep and mop the floors, and dust, but I have to make room for the cleaning to happen. So every other Thursday, I spend the day picking up, putting away, doing dishes and laundry.

We started last night. I've been doing it all day. I'm still working on the house. I must be really out of shape. I'm tired. I want a nap. My back hurts; my feet hurt. The cleaning girls aren't here yet. They usually come at about noon. I could lay down, but I know that as soon as I do they'll show up.
I just needed to whine a little. Pathetic, isn't it? - whining because I have cleaning girls coming today. Yeah, I thought so too.


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