The Out Basket


In which SCA projects predominate

Apologies for the lack of blogs; we've been largely been preoccupied with getting ready for a SCA event over Labor Day weekend. I've been doing lots of blogging, though - just not here. Go to From Lijsbet's Desk for an up-to-date record of happenings.

Much of the same content (but with better pictures) may be found in the section of the Companie Golden Lyon's web page devoted to my projects, A period encampment. Recent posts are on the Tents and Tables pages, and there are some recent but older posts at the period bed page. Since we're working hard on these projects just now, there's a lot of activity.

SCA projects may predominate, but there's still a strong preoccupation with Evan getting into school. I have a sheaf of papers to deal with on a daily basis - late last week saw a particular flurry. With Evan's rite of passage last week has come a much stricter schedule. He's home at 3:40, he gets to watch literacy videos until dinner at 5, and then we do some sort of directed literacy learning until bath at 7:00. He's to be in bed by 8:00, which is rather nice, since the parents then get uninterrupted time to work - on SCA projects, of course.

It's a grind, but it's better than last week's chaos - it seems the school must "ease" the kids into school with two part-days before the kids get to go to school full-time.

On top of it all, Chris repaired the sink in our bathroom this weekend.

Of course I'm stressing about what's getting left out. The yard and garden is a disgrace. I haven't got curtains made for my bathroom (a project sitting for the past two months), not have I gotten any Goth clothes made for Chris or me. The laundry is a consistent three-basket pile, and we all need SCA clothes.

It'll be good to get Three Stags over - the work toward the event is good, but the relief will be better. Maybe I can get the yard in shape before I leave for New York.


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