The Out Basket


In which I am greatly moved

My trip to Mount Hope Cemetery last night yielded several moving moments. In particular, I confess to a difficulty dealing with the graves of children - the imagery is so painful. Little lambs, child-sized stone shoes or socks perched on top of the headstones - they cut too close to that grief that I carry.

There was one headstone which I found deeply moving for other reasons. This is stone caused me to pause a bit. When I think about the human condition, and how it has changed in the past two-hundred years, I must also consider the raw guts that it took Miss Anthony to stand up and say what must be said. She is a hero to all people, and especially to women. To her we women owe almost everything that we have in this county.

I was also struck by the modesty of her grave - just this simple white marble marker, embellished only by the garden that the friends of the cemetery maintain in the Anthony family plot. It's relatively small, perhaps only 24" or 30" high, and shares the space with similar markers and an obelisk in the center of the family plot. Small stones may be seen on the pedestal, symbols of honor that have been paid by visitors.

I don't think I will ever forget the feeling of that moment.


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