The Out Basket


In which work has been too busy to blog

Yeah, I know it's been over a week since I've written. In short, I've been sick all week, and tried to go to bed early. I've spent a week in Florida, and then I traveled back to Opelika yesterday. I'm pretty happy to be back. Florida is nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I went walking on Saturday. I really enjoy looking at the flora and fauna. So much of the vegitation there is what this midwestern florist has for years associated with houseplants, since the climate in Florida is tropical. Even in December, hibiscus and birds-of-paradise are in full bloom, Ficus benjamina bi-color and crotons are shrubs, creeping fig is a groundcover, and Spanish moss is a living plant, rather than mulch. Large white birds can be seen pecking at the yews bordering parking lots, and tiny lizards scuttle across sidewalks. And yet, the humidity makes the place uninhabitable in my opinion. I was sweating on a 60 degree day. Of course, the humidity was 89%.

Saturday morning started out rainy, but by the time I headed back to the hotel, the sun was peaking out. I even got a little sunburn on my forehead and nose. Being at sea-level, I thought I could do more that I should have, and I've been pretty sore since my walk. It could also be the infection, although I do feel like I'm finally beating it. My feet still hurt, and I'm also pretty stiff and sore after sitting awhile. It takes a little bit for the hips and knees to function fully.

I did some shopping yesterday, and just kept walking - slowly - to keep moving. I feel like some more of the pounds are coming off, which is encouraging. I bought some groceries, mostly meat and veggies and drinks, so I think I can eat pretty healthily this week. They always feed us lunch, so portion control is the key.

I have done a little writing, and will post-date blogs later once I get them finished. So if you're interested, go back a few days to see what I've been up to.


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