The Out Basket


In which the cold weather requires comfort food

Oyster stew is one of my favorite winter soups. I had picked up some oysters at the store last weekend, since they were unusually in the butcher's case. Tonight seemed like a good night for it. Mother wasn't "in the mood" for oyster stew, and I knew that Chris wouldn't touch it, so I made comfort food just for me. It was perfect. And the best part is that there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Oyster Stew

Over medium heat, melt in stewpot:
1 stick butter

Add and sauté:
1 medium onion, choped

Sauté onion until it begins to carmelize.

3 8 oz packages fresh oysters, including liquid
5-10 grindings of fresh black pepper
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup Wostershire sauce

Continue sautéing; the liquid from the oysters will begin to de-glaze the pan.

When the oysters' edges curl, add:
4 cups heavy cream (or 2 cups cream and two cups milk)

Heat to serving temperature. Serve with sourdough bread.


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