The Out Basket


In which it's all over but the waiting

It's a beautiful day for a walk up to the fire station, our neighborhood polling place. After dropping off Evan I parked the car at the house (I'd forgotten my cheat sheet) and walked around the circle up the hill.

It was difficult to miss the construction that popped up in front of the fire house yesterday. Colorado had been restricted to one lane northbound so that workers could replace some concrete in the fire house's driveway. When I got there this morning, I was met with "sidewalk closed - cross over" signs. Not something that one would take notice of normally, the construction created something of a minor impediment to getting into the station. In this year of concerns over voting, it sent up a red flag. A tiny one, but a red flag nonetheless. Design or simply bad timing?

There were about 6 people in line in front of me when I arrived. One of the machines that had been sent had arrived without a power cord. In an election that is likely to see heavy voter turnout, this seemed unfortunate at best. At least the line didn't resemble some of the ones that they were showing from downtown Denver this morning on television.

To keep a short story somewhat short, let's just say that I completed my voting, checked it twice and pressed the button. Having done my duty, I'm now settling in for an evening of watching the returns. Perhaps it's good night to rent "Wag the Dog".


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