The Out Basket


In which shopping adventures are found in Opelika AL

Unlike most blogs, this one is being published somewhat after the date of creation, since there are some surprises for Chris contained within.

I had planned to finish Christmas shopping on the Sunday afternoon when I arrived in Opelika. It’s a college town; I figured that the usual suspects would be around. I also figured that my co-worker John would be up for a shopping trip. I was correct on both counts.

I had agreed with John that to have him drive up to Atlanta to pick me up from the airport. I wasn’t really surprised when I got of the plane and picked up voice messages; John (who can’t sit still for more than a couple of hours) was obviously horribly bored – bored enough to drive the hour to Atlanta to come get me. So I knew that he’d be bored enough to go shopping.

He really is a Husband. He’s been married for so long that he just seems to fall in stride with me. I think it’s a little weird; I’d never expect a male co-worker to follow me to the fabric store. I feel like he’s always waiting on me, and I feel a little self-conscious about that. But he’s good help.

His first question was where I wanted to go. Target. No problem, Target is in the strip mall where we were having lunch. So is Old Navy. John helped me find sleep pants for Chris and shirts for Evan at Old Navy – and tried to get me to buy a hat for Evan, the really cute one with tassels. Then we went back to the hotel. John hauled in the suitcases, and I hauled in the shopping bags. I checked in, dumped everything in the room, and John handed me the keys.

He has rented a Kia Amanti, very upscale looking. Leather interior, black, loaded. I like driving this car. I headed to the mall.

I’ve been trying to re-style my business look. There’s a Hot Topic there, but I felt totally silly walking in wearing my too-large poinsettia-sprinkled white turtleneck. So I headed to the salon first. Not only did I get a good cut, but I finally got my hair colored red. I love it! I’m so happy.

I went to the mall for several things. Other than a hair cut and color, I’m looking for a black lace shirt, black jeans, red, black or purple tops to layer under a black lace or chiffon shirt or jacket, and a long black jacquard jacket.

I started with what I thought might be easiest – the jeans. I’ve found one brand of jeans that fit, and I’ve only found them at Wal*Mart. Since I’m no longer a Wal*Mart customer, my co-worker Janis suggested that I try Penney’s. She said that she often got pants there, and the proportions fit her unusual shape. I did find just one pair in my size, and they fit. I now have two pairs of jeans, and one of them is black. I looked a bit at Penney’s for some colored tops, but didn’t find anything that I was in love with. Good colors, but they were camisoles, and I’ve got that issue with bra straps that most women of my generation learned in out early teens. I left them behind.

Nothing else at Penney’s meeting my Goth aesthetic, I went out into the mall. Remember that I was still wearing the white Christmas turtleneck, so I bypassed Hot Topic for Dillard’s. I was surprised at the options available. Luckily, it’s Christmas, and the party clothes are out, so I was able to quickly locate a black lace shirt. Surprisingly, this was not the only likely find. One of the tops was perfect down to the cameo broach at the cleavage, but the cleavage itself was way too low to be considered corporate – let’s just say that to wear that top would require a suitably decorative bra. As much as I liked it, it want back on the rack. But there was the silk/viscose sweater with the lace at the neckline and cuffs – it was perfect, and it came home with me.

I wore the silk sweater and my black travel knit skirt to work on Monday, accessorized with two long necklaces in black faceted crystals and pewter-colored chains. The red hair really completed the look, and I finally felt completely comfortable in business clothing. I’m thinking about more black lace…..


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